I am not going to tell you that our lives are all roses now. But I will tell you, it's about as close to perfect, as one could get. We still have the occasional strange occurrence. But most of these can be brushed off to coincidence. And If they can't be. We just say "God, you said all things are possible in your name." Please remove this obstacle so I may walk more closely with you. Then you can actually feel the air get lighter.We have finally made it out of the dark and into the light. But we could never have done this without the team of CSPRI. And especially the founders, Brandon Hudgens and Dennis Carroll.With them, our faith in God, and by Gods grace. We are now entering the new phase of our life. And with that. I am closing this door. (This Blog.) It has been a long journey.But, it's time to move on. So if you would like, follow me on my new Blog. Of course, there will be some Paranormal things there. As I am a Paranormal Investigator, and It's in the blood. LOL. I Would love to see you there! And watch for my new Cryptid Blog, Coming Soon!
Now come on, let's get out of this dreary place, and have some fun!! http://mysouthernmoon.blogspot.com
My decision to re-open this Blog was not one that I took lightly. I played around with the idea for months. There were a few reasons that led me to do this. The first one is that I will soon be removing my families paranormal story from print. And the second reason is that I am currently working on a paranormal book which has led the activity in our home to pick back up. Unfortunately. it looks like I will be updating this blog again from time to time. If this Blog can help just one person see the signs and take action to keep themselves from going through what we have, it will be worth every word written. This blog is a personal Journal of me and my family as we deal with the unknown in our house. It's true, it's raw. and it's real.
Monday, November 25, 2013
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