My decision to re-open this Blog was not one that I took lightly. I played around with the idea for months. There were a few reasons that led me to do this. The first one is that I will soon be removing my families paranormal story from print. And the second reason is that I am currently working on a paranormal book which has led the activity in our home to pick back up. Unfortunately. it looks like I will be updating this blog again from time to time. If this Blog can help just one person see the signs and take action to keep themselves from going through what we have, it will be worth every word written. This blog is a personal Journal of me and my family as we deal with the unknown in our house. It's true, it's raw. and it's real.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Last night, Marty and I were getting ready for bed. Marty went into the spare bedroom (where our female pit bull sleeps) to turn out the light. Lacie (The pit bull) was sitting up and looking at the closet door. Usually, she would be sound asleep curled up on her blanket on the floor.But she was sitting up with her head cocked to the side looking at the closet door. And the door was open. This door is never open. And there is no way it could ever open by itself. Marty stepped into the room to close the closet door, at the exact moment that I opened the bathroom door down the hall. Just as I opened the door, something ran past me! It was about mid thigh in height, it's hair brushed my leg, and it actually stepped on my foot! I let out a gasp! And flew back up the hall. I could still feel that awful hair against my leg! And still felt the pressure on the top of my foot! I wouldn't go back in there by myself.(Marty walked back down the hall with me, and it was so cold! You could almost see your breath!)Marty grabbed the camera, I grabbed the digital recorder. But we got nothing. And I spent the rest of the night with that creepy feeling on my leg. That was awful.And by far, I have to say, this has been the worst thing yet. It was just simply terrible.