My decision to re-open this Blog was not one that I took lightly. I played around with the idea for months. There were a few reasons that led me to do this. The first one is that I will soon be removing my families paranormal story from print. And the second reason is that I am currently working on a paranormal book which has led the activity in our home to pick back up. Unfortunately. it looks like I will be updating this blog again from time to time. If this Blog can help just one person see the signs and take action to keep themselves from going through what we have, it will be worth every word written. This blog is a personal Journal of me and my family as we deal with the unknown in our house. It's true, it's raw. and it's real.

Friday, July 13, 2012

This was new

I guess this all came about a few days ago when my son's cat started being allowed to roam the house.
Usually, she would lay in the bathroom sink. She didn't get into much. So I allowed him to let her run loose in the house.A few days ago, I heard a horrible crash in my hallway. I have a cabinet in the hall above the washing machine. It holds extra bathroom items, as in soap, conditioner, shampoo, and half used cold medicines, etc. Anyway, It sounded like the cat had just cleaned out the cabinet.I told Chris to go see what the cat was into. He got up and walked down the hall.Then he says, Mom, the cat, didn't do this.The rest of the family goes to look.On my washer was about twelve items out of the cabinet.The cat was still laying in the sink. And each thing on the washer was standing up perfectly. None of them were laying down. They all looked as if they had been sat there on the washer, instead of just having fallen out of the cabinet. My heart skipped a beat.The first thing that came to my mind is, This looks like poltergeist activity. I didn't say anything about it. But it concerned me.

The next morning, my DIL was complaining about the cat keeping her up all night. The cat had been locked in the bathroom overnight so as not to destroy anything.She said it had kept slamming the toilet lid all night.(Our toilet lid slowly closes itself. It does not slam at all) As I went into the bathroom that morning, I noticed my tile around the door was torn, as if the cat had been trying to get out.Oh hell no! That cat was going in a crate tonight! I wasn't having it tear my bathroom apart.

Marty and I went to bed before the "kids" that night. And I reminded them to crate the cat. At some point during the night, I was waking up by the toilet lid slamming! I know what I heard. There was no mistaking that sound at all. It had forcefully been slammed. I assumed the cat had somehow gotten out of the crate and was doing whatever my DIL had heard the night before. Just as I thought this, the dogs in the bedroom went crazy. Barking and growling at the bedroom door. I didn't see or hear anything else. I lay there a while and eventually fell asleep.
The next morning as I started to the bathroom, I passed the cat, sitting on the dryer, still in the crate. I was more than a bit shocked. I know what I heard.
I had Marty set up the camera that night, focused on the toilet. I also lay a recorder in the bathroom.
The next morning the camera was shut off. It had only recorded an hour. But on the recorder, the toilet lid is being repeatedly slammed! I am a bit frustrated at this point.
I am going to place a bible there tonight. To see if it will be a bit quieter. Watch for the next update.