My decision to re-open this Blog was not one that I took lightly. I played around with the idea for months. There were a few reasons that led me to do this. The first one is that I will soon be removing my families paranormal story from print. And the second reason is that I am currently working on a paranormal book which has led the activity in our home to pick back up. Unfortunately. it looks like I will be updating this blog again from time to time. If this Blog can help just one person see the signs and take action to keep themselves from going through what we have, it will be worth every word written. This blog is a personal Journal of me and my family as we deal with the unknown in our house. It's true, it's raw. and it's real.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Long Night

As usual, the strange occurrences are still happening. And I try to update and list them every chance I get.

Wednesday, our DIL heard muffled voices throughout the house. So I turned on the digital recorder.Sure enough, we captured an EVP that actually sounds like it has an accent.(That is a first!) I will try to get that uploaded for you a bit later.

Yesterday, Our DIL was walking out of the kitchen, and she had a refrigerator magnet thrown at her head! Luckily it missed.Then as I was leaving the bathroom, the floor vent lifted up and flew back into the bathroom.Marty just happened to be watching as this happened. Which naturally made him very angry that I was being picked on. So he yelled a few choice words at our "unseen guest." Which, I think, resulted in my being kept awake all night. I guess I may have gotten 2 and a half hours sleep last night. I am absolutely dead on my feet today. It all started just as we lay down to go to sleep.Things began moving on my dresser. Perfume bottles clinking, prescription bottles being knocked over.I turned over and turned my back to the noise as if to ignore it. That's when my dog Amy lept off the bed. A few seconds later, the cover was roughly tugged down to my waist. I froze for a moment. Then realized I don't need to let it scare me. So I got angry instead and yanked my covers back up.Then I lay and listened to things on my husband's dresser move around.I turned over again and tried to go to sleep. Just as I dozed off, I was jerked out of sleep to the sound of fingers drumming on the wall. (Sort of the sound a bored person would make.) And such was the rest of my night. Each time I would drift off, something would happen to jerk me awake.And as it always happens, Marty was sleeping deeply beside me. Why does it happen that one of us gets harassed all night while the other rests soundly? Anyone got any answers to this?