My decision to re-open this Blog was not one that I took lightly. I played around with the idea for months. There were a few reasons that led me to do this. The first one is that I will soon be removing my families paranormal story from print. And the second reason is that I am currently working on a paranormal book which has led the activity in our home to pick back up. Unfortunately. it looks like I will be updating this blog again from time to time. If this Blog can help just one person see the signs and take action to keep themselves from going through what we have, it will be worth every word written. This blog is a personal Journal of me and my family as we deal with the unknown in our house. It's true, it's raw. and it's real.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not a happy Camper

We had a great meeting with our new "family" Friday. And it gave us some new things to think about concerning our "guest."(Thanks for your input guys!)
Now I'm a bit concerned with the recent happenings. Our DIL has had an experience that I won't discuss on here. But she spoke with me, in detail about this yesterday.After discussing this with her.I also had an extraordinary experience last night. For now, I'm going to leave it as My mind played tricks on me last night.

I have been noticing a change in our grandson recently. I spoke with Marty about this in great detail. And to my surprise, he had seen the same thing. Our grandson is only a year old. Way to young to be telling his mom and dad no. But he does. And just the other day, he leaned in toward my DIL like he was going to give her the sweetest hug.He glanced past her, then just as she went to hug him, he slapped her face! Really hard for a child! But then he laughed like what he had just done was funny.I was horrified. But I blew it off as "just being a little boy." But now he is starting to hit his mother each time she corrects him. I'm very concerned about this behavior. As no one in this home hits. Where did he pick this up from? He is only with the four of us. I really don't like what I am seeing. And it gives me a bad feeling. But my mind keeps telling me, it's just a coincidence.

Last Night as Marty and I lay down to watch TV. Our Boston kept alerting to the corner in the bedroom.We never saw anything there. But it held his attention for a long time. We told the kids to be alert while they were up. And not long after that, as they got ready for bed. Our grandsons potty started to play music by itself.Then did this four more times in five minutes that it took them to get ready for bed. As they were telling us this, this morning. Something knocked really hard on the sunroom window. We all heard it, the dogs barked. But there was nothing there. The knock has happened again since this morning. Again, we all heard it, the dogs bark. But there is nothing there.
Just as I was typing this. My printer (That sits beside me,) just came on by itself. I swear, this just keeps getting stranger and stranger! But back to the potty topic. Our grandson absolutely refuses to have anything to do with his potty today. The kid screams bloody murder when you start toward it with him.And he has always loved the potty chair as he gets a reward (Hershey's kiss) after. But not today. He wants nothing to do with it. Since he reacted so negatively to it. I have taken a digital recorder and placed it in the bathroom. And we are going to get the place set up with some cameras today. I'm not sure how I feel about this. But it's time to do something.We just can't keep letting this go on the way it's going.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Airborn objects?

Yesterday was a very normal day.Nothing happened that WE would call unusual.

Marty and I went to bed about midnight. The house had been freezing all day. So being under the covers was a very welcome treat for me. We watched TV for about an hour. Then went to sleep.A bit later I woke up to find Marty's water bottle in the bed with us. One of us must have bumped it off the headboard. I went back to sleep.Shortly after that our Boston woke me up getting down off the bed. I thought I had heard something just before that but wasn't really sure if I heard it or dreamed it. I dozed back off. Then I was smacked in the forehead with something hard!Which is really a shock when you are sleeping. I reach above my pillow to retrieve the flying object and sat up to turn the light on. Adjusting my eyes to the bright light, I realized I was holding a box of Tylenol sinus that had also been on the headboard earlier that night.My words were WTF? I looked over at Marty who was sound asleep. That was it. I had to get up. I sleepily walked into the dining room. My DIL was sitting at the computer, so I sat down across from her and helped myself to a cigarette. I told her what had just happened and why I was up. She informed me that she had been listening to the noises from our room for quite a while. We talked for a bit, then I decided to return to bed and turn the TV back on. At least that would give me some light. I was really starting to get creeped out. I got up to head back into the bedroom, and just in the doorway lay a stuffed dog that my father had given me.I was totally blown away to see it laying here just inside my bedroom door. This was always kept put away. It is a very special item to me. And to know that it had been thrown from my bedroom really shook me up. I entered the room and turned the TV back on. I crawled back into bed and was going to wake Marty and tell him what was happening. As I looked over at him, he was just removing my bra from his head.Handing it to me, he says, "I really don't need this." Now that made me giggle a bit. My bra had been hanging over by the bedroom door. Before it decided to fly across the room and attack Marty. I was a bit creeped out by this whole experience. And I left the TV on, just so the light would help me fall asleep. The rest of the night was pretty quiet on our end of the house.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Strange Sleep

Last Night after Marty and I went to bed, the dogs started barking like crazy. I lay awake until just after two thirty listening to them. (And plotting their murders in my mind. LOL) I finally drifted off around three. About four thirty I woke up to Marty behind me, on my side of the bed. My little female pit was around my feet. (She usually sleeps behind my back.) I assumed Marty had just gotten back into my side of the bed from a nightly trip to the bathroom or kitchen. So I slid forward to give him some room. And I bumped into Marty! A shock ran through my body! If Marty was in front of me, who was in bed behind me?!I lay there to scared to move for a moment. Then I felt Amy get up from my feet, and walk back up to her spot behind my back and lay down.Whatever had been there was now gone.I lay there a few minutes thinking about what had just happened. Then decided it was time to head to the bathroom myself. I was just starting through the dining room on my way back to bed when I heard the footsteps coming up the hall toward me. And it was coming fast! I practically dove into the bedroom! Then I listened to my son open the refrigerator. Was I ever relieved!! LOL!! He was the one I had heard in the hall. What a night! I still have no clue though as to what was in bed with me.
But I do know that this time, My husband was the one to wake up with his pajamas on inside out! That was quite a nice change. He was a bit perplexed. But now he knows exactly what has been happening to me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The answer to my question

I wondered yesterday if this thing was getting stronger.......
This morning I woke up with a horrible sore throat. And was astonished when my family asked me what happened to my neck. I have some terrible bruising this morning.And no clue how it happened.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is it getting Stronger?

Last Night Marty and I went to the bedroom to relax and watch a bit of TV. We turned off the TV @ eleven thirty. As we lay there waiting for sleep. Something hit the bottom of the bed really hard. It was loud and hard enough to jar the bed.I was just about to ask Marty what that was when it happened again. We both lay there and listened for a while. But nothing else happened.

I am once again being woke up @ three every morning.Then it is near impossible to get back to sleep. I just hate that.

Our grandson has started giving this thing attention once again. He looks and talks to things we can't see.That makes me so uncomfortable. Especially when I have no clue as to what is going on, or just what this thing is capable of.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just Sick

Ever since my last post, I have been unbelievably sick. I have no clue if it is coincidence or something more. But later that night, after my encounter, I went to the bathroom and was horrified to find out I was peeing blood, and lots of it! Marty, of course, wanted to take me to the ER right away. But I waited it out. After about 24 hours, all was well. I have no clue what that was about. But I'm still a bit creeped out about it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Last night, Marty and I were getting ready for bed. Marty went into the spare bedroom (where our female pit bull sleeps) to turn out the light. Lacie (The pit bull) was sitting up and looking at the closet door. Usually, she would be sound asleep curled up on her blanket on the floor.But she was sitting up with her head cocked to the side looking at the closet door. And the door was open. This door is never open. And there is no way it could ever open by itself. Marty stepped into the room to close the closet door, at the exact moment that I opened the bathroom door down the hall. Just as I opened the door, something ran past me! It was about mid thigh in height, it's hair brushed my leg, and it actually stepped on my foot! I let out a gasp! And flew back up the hall. I could still feel that awful hair against my leg! And still felt the pressure on the top of my foot! I wouldn't go back in there by myself.(Marty walked back down the hall with me, and it was so cold! You could almost see your breath!)Marty grabbed the camera, I grabbed the digital recorder. But we got nothing. And I spent the rest of the night with that creepy feeling on my leg. That was awful.And by far, I have to say, this has been the worst thing yet. It was just simply terrible.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Potty Tunes

Our latest encounter has been more funny than frightening. We have a one-year-old grandson that received a potty chair as a birthday present. This chair plays music when used, apparently to encourage the child. Well for the past few weeks. This chair, (Which sits in our bathroom) goes off all by itself. At random times during the day, we hear it playing.My husband and son both have tried to figure out what is causing this. And there is no simple explanation.So we all get an amusing chuckle each time we hear the chair start playing on its own.(The only time this wasn't so funny, is when I was in the shower, with soap on my face, eyes closed, and the chair starts playing. It kind of gave me a jolt. And a feeling that I wasn't alone.) A new point to spirits use potty chairs? Or, do they just like the music? LOL

Sunday, October 30, 2011


A few nights ago, the kids (I say, "kids." But I'm referring to my son and his wife.) They were woke up twice during the night with something hard-hitting their bed(Hard enough to shake their whole bed!).They never figured out just what it was. But previously, my daughter in law had told me that she felt that "It" had returned to their room.So yesterday Marty went back and re-blessed their room, but this time, he went ahead and got our room too. So I'm happy to say, we are all sleeping now.And the olives have helped us all. Oops. I guess I had better explain the olives.
**Green Olives. If you are having nightmares. Eat 5 or 6 green olives before bedtime. The dreams will stop. OR, if you want to remember your dreams eat 5 or 6 olives before bed time and you will remember your dreams the next morning.Try it. It really works! We had all been having horrible vivid nightmares. But thanks to the olives, they are gone.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things that go bump in the night.

Yesterday, we were all just sitting around talking, when our DIL mentioned something about someone getting up during the night.After some discussion, and much to every ones surprise. Our son and his wife said that around 1:30 they had heard someone walk down the hall to the bath room.They didn't hear the bathroom door close, but they heard the toilet flush.Then the footsteps went back up the hall, opened the spare bedroom door, Closed it, Opened it, closed it, then proceeded into the kitchen.And it wasn't Marty nor I. So just who was this creating all this noise in the night? Naturally they both were a bit freaked out when they found out it wasn't us.So last night, just before bed, i sat a digi recorder in the hallway and one in the kitchen. I have yet to listen to them. But if i have anything, i will be sure to share. :)

Last night, i was plagued with the most horrible nightmares.They are still playing over in my head. Each time i would wake up during the night, I would have that childhood terror feeling.( I so hate that feeling!) Anyway, it has left me feeling really drained today.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A strange awakening

Last night was utterly ordinary. Nothing strange at all.Marty and I went to bed around ten and watched a bit of TV. We turned the TV off around eleven and settled in for sleep. At precisely 12:05, I was awakened by someone standing behind me and shaking my arm.I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder, expecting to see one of the kids. But no one was there! And this thing had been shaking me hard enough to shake the bed.Once I realized what had just happened, my first reaction was to dive for Marty's side of the bed while loudly whispering Marty! Marty! Of course, he was sound asleep. So were the two dogs at the foot of the bed. Was I dreaming? Nope! No way! I could still feel the hand on my arm!! I curled up beside Marty. Wait! Not happening! My back is now to the door, and that is one high level of creep factor I have going on. So I turn over, put my back to Marty and snuggle in.I lay there thinking about what had just happened.........If this thing can actually shake me awake, what else can it do?. OK. I'm awake now......should not be thinking that at all..........going to be a long, long night.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unseen guest

I haven't updated. Lately, my graphics Blogs seem to need all of my time around the Holidays. But just because I haven't posted, doesn't mean it has been quite around here.

A couple of nights ago, at 3:33 to be exact. Our female pit woke me up standing at the foot of my bed and growling furiously.She was looking out the bedroom door. And apparently, she saw something I couldn't. I lay in the dark and listened, the house was totally silent, except for her.It took a bit, but I finally got her calmed down.She lay down beside me with the hair on her back still raised, and her ears laid back on her head.I could feel her whole body trembling against me.I finally pulled the cover over both of us and drifted off to sleep as her trembling ceased.(The funny part, her chaos didn't wake anyone else in the house.)

This morning, My son and I were sitting in the kitchen, when we heard the front door open. We both listened to the handle being opened.It has a very distinct sound as it has to be pushed in.We looked at each other. I got up and walked over to the door. And it was standing open about six inches.There was no one there, of course. I just closed the door and sat back down.(My mom has taught me to never say, "come on in" when the door opens by itself.She says in doing this, you don't know exactly what you're inviting into your home........

Monday, October 3, 2011

Flying objects?

Marty and I were sitting at our computer desks, each lost in our work. The house is totally silent. When all of a sudden, our bedroom oil lamp crashes to the floor, and our Boston runs from the room terrified!
We both jump up to go see, and my oil lamp didn't just fall. It was hurled about three feet away, against a wall. I picked up the light and checked for broken pieces as Marty got some cleaner for the oil that was now running down my wall. Neither of us spoke, other than Marty asking me if the lamp was broken.(It wasn't.) So we cleaned up, and both went back to our computers. Is this normal? This is everyday life for us. And just tonight, I realized how unemotional we are when something like this occurs.It was just bizarre, to "step outside" for a moment, and notice that this is actually our lives now.............(Not sure how I feel about that.)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Marty and I went on an electronics shopping trip yesterday. We picked up a couple of voice recorders.And some odds and ends.So Marty is playing around with one of the recorders, later on, play back, we have an EVP that says, "I'm right here." And it sounded like it was right beside Marty.
Sooooo, we just sort of laugh. Then ignore it. Seems like it wants our attention?

Last night at 3:36, I was woken up by the smell of Marty's cologne in the room.I leaned toward Marty. It wasn't coming from him. It was as if it had just been sprayed. This has happened before, so I just said "stop wasting the shit. It's expensive!". Then went back to sleep.
Exactly one hour later, Marty was waking up to the smell of my floral musk. He said he even sat up and smelled it. And like I did, he just dismissed it and went back to sleep.So we know now that it is trying to get our attention. That's fine. I can deal with this. As long as crap don't start flying around my house. I'm good. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Investigation #2

First, I would like to thank the CPI team for all that they have done for us. These people rock! They showed up at our house Saturday evening @ 6 pm. And they absolutely blanketed the house and grounds. We are looking forward to our reveal with them. I know some of the team members had their own personal experiences. And we're really looking forward to our reveal.

The next day, the house was awesomely quite.I even actually got to sleep all night. YAY! That is something that hasn't happened in a very long time. I'm sure it will be a few days before we know for sure if it is completely gone. But we will wait and see.As a family, we have decided, if it's here, fine. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone.Because we sure as he^^ aren't letting this thing run us out of our home! So, we just give it some time and see what happens.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We have found out that our second Investigation will be this Saturday.This time covering the grounds as well as our home. I'm a bit excited as well as nervous. I'm just wondering what we will encounter this time since they are covering the grounds as well. And we already know, that when you provoke this thing. It gets worse. Really bad. So I'm sure it's not going to be too pleased with what we are doing.
I will update after the investigation. (And anything that happens before.)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New scratches

Things have been beautiful and quite for a few days. I could actually get used to that. :) But last night during dinner, my arm started to burn. I looked down and saw three long red scratches running from my wrist up to the bend of my arm.I couldn't help but get that sinking feeling in my stomach. Like here we go again.

During the night, I woke up suddenly and was wide awake. I looked at the clock, 3:33 am.
I hope this is not the beginning of more, "fun stuff."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dogs are wierded out

Last Night, Marty and I were both working on our computers when I heard our oldest male pit bull crying. I looked over at him, and he was looking above mine and Marty's head just crying. I got up and went to him. I knelt down and put my arms around him, but he wouldn't stop, I stayed there and petted him for a long time, as he stared at the wall and whimpered. He has never done this before. It really struck me as odd.

Later Marty and I went to the bedroom to watch TV. Marty turned on the TV, just to have it turn itself off again.He turned it back on, and we both climbed into bed.Amy (female Pit) jumped up on the bed, went straight up to my pillows, put both front feet on my dresser and started whining at the corner of the ceiling.Then sniffing as if she could smell something there. Marty called her name, and she lay down beside us and went to sleep. So far today, there have been no problems.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tom Tom?

All along I had thought that this was a "normal" thing. But our TomTom has a habit of speaking when disconnected. Yea, It can be detached for weeks. Then the light comes on, and it says go 500 yards and turn left. Or go 500 yards and bear left. Well, I think this is like some factory defect that the TomTom has. And I never gave it anymore though.Even though it would send a chill down my spine each time, it would do this.So today I got the bright idea of checking it out online. Expecting to find others reporting the same thing. I was shocked to see that no one is having this problem! So apparently I purchased the only haunted TomTom on the East coast..........Great!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This is an OT post

I just wanted to take a second to say, That you Danielle, for my copy of A Wrinkle in Time. What an awesome gift!